Back to School 2023-24
Southridge Middle School will open its administrative office on Wednesday, July 26th. The office phone number is 812-683-3372. Classes begin on Wednesday August 9th. Students are to report to the SMS gym, Door 24 between 7:30 – 8:00 am. Regular class hours are 8:05 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.. Students will receive a class syllabus, textbooks and other necessary information during this day.
Registration and Book Rental Information
Student Dress Guidelines
The following limitations are intended to help students make choices in regards to dress for school. Clothing that disrupts education or endangers their safety or that of others is considered inappropriate and will not be permitted to be worn in school. The appearance of Southridge students influences, to a large degree, the impression the community, and the general public have of our student body. It is to the student’s advantage to make a favorable impression.
- All students must wear shoes or sandals.
- A student’s clothing, person, and hair must be neat, clean, and appropriate.
- All skirts and dresses must be at knee length. Capris must be BELOW knee length.
- Tank tops are prohibited and cannot be exposed under sheer articles of clothing.
- All clothing covering the upper body must have sleeves and not expose any cleavage, bare midriff front or back, underarm areas, and undergarments. Shirts worn must be of a length able to be tucked in your pants.
- Jeans and pants may not have holes in them of any kind or location.
- Hats, caps, bandanas and other unusual headgear are not permitted.
- The wearing of shorts and pajamas are prohibited.
- Compression, exercise garments may be worn but a shirt long enough to cover the buttock region must be worn.
- Items of clothing with unacceptable symbols, language, or double meanings are not allowed.
- Sunglasses are prohibited, unless prescribed by a doctor.
- Decorative chains, attached to the waistband, billfolds, etc. are prohibited.
- Approved dress for Spirit days is an exception to the dress code.
- Appearance must be educationally appropriate and non-distracting at all times.
Supply Lists
PE Uniform – T shirts will be available for purchase if needed in SMS PE office for $5 (can reuse each year)
Faculty and Staff
Principal – Chad Whitehead
Dean of Students/AD - Ryan Haywood
Secretary/Attendance Officer – Shea King
Secretary/Treasurer – Tracey Michel
Guidance Counselor – Amanda Pulley
Social Counselor - Christine Vinson
School Nurse - Kate Lamar
Language Arts – Nicole Riehle, Jen Schutte, Kaitlyn Uebelhor, Leigh Hochgesang, Shannon Fuhs
Math – Mary Reese, Annette Altmeyer, Myra Schnuck
Science – Nick Herron, Kyle Baseden, Jeffrey Tempel
Social Studies – Stephen Longabaugh, Craig Popp, Brad Ohanian, Katy Beck
World Language - Tyla Rasche
Career Education – Coriann Arts
Health/PE – Ryan Haywood, Shaylon Pierce, Lisa Durcholz
EL- Claudia Tascon-Pena
Speech Pathologist – Janet Bradley
Special Education – Kendra Vogler, Erin Marshall, Rebecca Jessee
Art – Rebecca Berry
Band Director/Music – Lannie Butler
Choir/Music – Erich Kendall
Industrial Tech – Tom Collins
Keyboarding/Computer Apps –
Media Coordinator – Sarah Bardwell
Media Assistant - Jayme Blackgrove
Instructional Assistants - Donatta Jones, Dee McKinney, Clair Mohr, Jennifer Reinhart, Beth Stillwell
Custodial/Maintenance Staff: Zoila Abarca, Gary Bender, Ana Calmo de Gil, Linda Dalziel, David Houchin, Lonnie Jones
Frequently Asked Questions
- When is registration?
- Where is in-person registration?
- What if I already registered during Kindergarten RoundUp?
- What is the difference between enrollment and registration?
- How do I register my students?
- How do I register an additional student if I already have a student registered?
- What do I need to enroll my student?
- What happens if I do not have all the documentation I need to register?
- What is Proof of Address?
- Why do I need the Parent PowerSchool Portal?
- My spouse and I are separated/divorced or we want our own logins; can we get another parent username and password for our child’s account?
- Do I need to apply for free and reduced lunch and textbooks if I know I do not qualify?
- What do I do after I have added my student?
- What if I do not have an email address?
- How do I reset my password?