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“And will you succeed? Yes you will indeed! 98 and ¾ percent guaranteed!”

-Dr. Seuss


Homework Assistance

Students who are struggling with their schoolwork are always encouraged to communicate with their classroom teachers. Teachers are the best resource for helping students who need extra assistance. See below for additional resources for academic assistance. 

SMS Success Time

Students are welcome to join us every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-5:15pm in the SMS Library. Students have the opportunity to receive free tutoring from SMS teachers and staff. We also have fun enrichment activities. Transportation is provided for students living in Huntingburg. Call the front office for more information. 

Success Time Application

College students offer free tutoring by phone.
Articles & Tools to help reading comprehension
interactive gaves & Flashcards for bath math skills practice
video tutorials on thousands of topics

Study Skills Tips

Need help with study skills? Teachers are always your best resource, but here are a few more ideas.

What's Your Learning Style? 

Take the quiz!


        Study Skills that Actually Help!                                                            Study Skills for Middle School and Beyond



Study Skills: Information for Middle and High School 

Students, Parents and Counselors

Standardized Tests in Middle School


Throughout a child’s education, students are required to participate in standardized testing. Standardized test results help guide a teacher’s instruction. They let teachers know which students need additional instructional support and help determine class placement. 

Learn more about the standardized tests administered at SMS:

High School Graduation Requirements

High school is the next step after middle school. Here are several links with information about high school graduation requirements:

Early College Program

Southridge High School offers its students an amazing opportunity to earn college credits while they are in high school and gain skills needed to succeed in college. Learn more about the program on our high school page.